PurPL is the cross-departmental umbrella group for programming languages research at Purdue University. PurPL research groups push the boundaries of every area in programming languages, software engineering, formal methods, and systems: PL theory, design, and implementation, language-based security, compiler optimizations, verification, program synthesis, and more. But we do more than fundamental research: we bring PL ideas to bear on a wide range of areas, including big data, security, education, and computational science.
Chris successfully defended his dissertation on using property-driven reductions to automatically verify distributed systems. Congratulations Dr. Wagner!
Yongwei’s paper on using derivatives to intelligently drive symbolic execution will appear at POPL. Congrats to Yongwei, Zhe, and Julia!
Multiple PurPL students presented their work at the Midwest PL Summit held at the University of Chicago.
Craig Liu won 🥇first place🥇 at the OOPSLA’24 Student Research Competition for his work on gradual verification!
Congratulations to Pratyush on his upcoming GPCE paper on using staging to optimize distributed file systems!
Qianchuan has joined the University at Buffalo as an assistant professor. Congratulations Professor Ye!
Minghai’s paper on using LLMs to automatically generate proofs in Coq to appear at ASE’24. Congratulations Minghai!
Congratulations to Anmol, Suresh, and their co-authors on their upcoming OOPSLA’24 paper on verifying concurrent data structures!