Research Highlights

Programming Eventually Consistent Data Stores

Geo-distributed web applications often favor high availability over strong consistency. In response to this bias, modern-day replicated data stores often eschew sequential consistency in favor of weaker eventual consistency (EC) data semantics. While most operations supported by a typical web application can be engineered, with sufficient care, to function under EC, there are oftentimes critical operations that require stronger consistency guarantees. Unfortunately, existing approaches to tunable consistency suffers from poorly-defined implementation-specific semantics, often expressed at a level of abstraction far removed from the application. The Quelea project addresses these concerns by defining a declarative programming model for EC data stores that abstracts the actual implementation of the data store via high-level programming and system-level models that are agnostic to a specific implementation. By using Quelea, programmers can reason in terms of an abstract model of the data store, and develop applications by defining and composing high-level replicated data types. Any EC key-value store can support Quelea by implementing a thin shim layer and a choosen set of high-level consistency guarantees on top of its existing low-level interface.

Representative publications:

Automatically optimizing irregular applications

This project focuses on developing frameworks to automatically analyze, transform and tune irregular applications, which operate over pointer-based data structures, to improve their locality, parallelism and performance. While irregular applications seemingly have little commonality, this project is premised on the insight that at higher levels of abstractions, there are common behaviors in irregular applications that can be exploited to develop automatic transformations to enhance performance.

Representative publications:

Quantitative Program Repair for Education

Can we build effective tools for personalized feedback and evaluation of assignments based on inferring "optimal" repairs for student solutions? Can we learn appropriate objective functions, program distances and error models to use for repair from existing databases of assignments? In this project, we are investigating the use of quantitative program repair, along with machine learning, for automated feedback and grading.

Representative publications:

Lightweight Modular Staging

Recent years have seen a surge of interest in staging and generative programming, driven by the increasing difficulty of making high-level code run fast on modern hardware. While the mechanics of program generation are relatively well understood, we have only begun to understand how to develop systems in a generative way. The Lightweight Modular Staging (LMS) platform forms the core of a research agenda to make generative programming more widely accessible, through powerful libraries and a growing selection of case studies that illuminate design patterns and crystallize best practices for high-level and effective generative programming. As an example, LMS has been applied to speed up data processing and query engines. The most recent work in this direction is Flare, an accelerator back-end for Apache Spark that achieves order of magnitude speedups by compiling SQL and data frame queries to native code.

Representative publications:

Deductive Synthesis of Correct-by-Construction Programs

The goal of program synthesis is to automatically produce the implementation of a program from a high-level specification its behavior. Fiat is a synthesis framework for the Coq proof assistant that combines foundational ideas from programming language and formal methods to build an automated refinement system from first principles capable produces correct-by-construction sofware with a minimal trusted code base. Starting from high-level specifications in Coq’s rich logic, Fiat helps users interactively construct an executable implementation. Every step in the process is justified by a machine-checked refinement proof which, when composed together, certifies that the derived implementation meets the original specification. The framework provides libraries of domain-specific specification languages and reusable refinement tactics for guiding the search for an implementation, leveraging Coq’s powerful Ltac metaprogramming language to achieve a high degree of automation. Each refinement step is certified by Coq, allowing users to freely incorporate their own implementation strategies into a derivation without compromising the guarantees of its correctness.

Representative publications:

Program verification via Natural Proofs

Reliability is critical for system software, such as OS kernels and mobile browsers, as well as applications such as office software and mail clients. The correctness of these programs, especially for security, is highly desirable, as they should provide a trustworthy platform for higher-level applications and the end-users. Unfortunately, due to its inherent complexity, the verification process of these programs is typically manual/semi-automatic, tedious, and painful. Natural proofs help to automate the reasoning behind these verification tasks and decrease the dependence on manual help. As a sound but incomplete verification technique, the essence of natural proofs is to identify and automate a fixed set of simple but useful proof tactics, and algorithmically search for a proof that only uses these tactics. Due to the simplicity and usefulness of these tactics, the search process is decidable, very efficient and tends to be successful.

Representative publications: