PurPL is the cross-departmental umbrella group for programming languages research at Purdue University. PurPL research groups push the boundaries of every area in programming languages, software engineering, formal methods, and systems: PL theory, design, and implementation, language-based security, compiler optimizations, verification, program synthesis, and more. But we do more than fundamental research: we bring PL ideas to bear on a wide range of areas, including big data, security, education, and computational science.
Congratulations to Anmol, Suresh, and their co-authors on their upcoming OOPSLA’24 paper on verifying concurrent data structures!
Adhitha’s paper on generating optimal schedules for sparse tensor computations has been accepted to OOPSLA ‘24. Congratulations to all the authors!
Durga’s paper on GPU ray tracing acceleration for nearest neighbor won best paper at ICS! Congrats Durga!
Congrats to Guannan, Danning, Yongwei and their co-authors on their upcoming PLDI paper on making smart contracts safer by integrating behavioral contracts into Solidity!
Congrats to Zhe and Qianchuan on their upcoming PLDI paper on HATS– a new technique for automatically reasoning about clients of effectful data structure libraries using a combination automata and refinement types.
Congrats to Julia (Belyakova) on her upcoming PLDI paper on subtyping in Julia (the language)!
Durga, Vani, and Artem’s paper on implementing k-nearest neighbor search using ray tracing will appear at ICS’24! Congrats to all the authors!
Ashish has joined the faculty at IIT Hyderabad. Congratulations Ashish!