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PurPL is the cross-departmental umbrella group for programming languages research at Purdue University. PurPL research groups push the boundaries of every area in programming languages, software engineering, formal methods, and systems: PL theory, design, and implementation, language-based security, compiler optimizations, verification, program synthesis, and more. But we do more than fundamental research: we bring PL ideas to bear on a wide range of areas, including big data, security, education, and computational science.

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  • Rob’s paper on relational reasoning using e-graphs has been accepted to OOPSLA’25. Congratulations to Rob and Prasita!

  • Chris successfully defended his dissertation on using property-driven reductions to automatically verify distributed systems. Congratulations Dr. Wagner!

  • Yongwei’s paper on using derivatives to intelligently drive symbolic execution will appear at POPL. Congrats to Yongwei, Zhe, and Julia!

  • Multiple PurPL students presented their work at the Midwest PL Summit held at the University of Chicago.

  • Craig Liu won 🥇first place🥇 at the OOPSLA’24 Student Research Competition for his work on gradual verification!

  • Congratulations to Pratyush on his upcoming GPCE paper on using staging to optimize distributed file systems!

  • Qianchuan has joined the University at Buffalo as an assistant professor. Congratulations Professor Ye!

  • Minghai’s paper on using LLMs to automatically generate proofs in Coq to appear at ASE’24. Congratulations Minghai!